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record delete

The delete command allows you to delete records of a specified Kintone app.


  • This command only supports API token authentication.
  • This action cannot be rollback.


cli-kintone record delete \
--base-url https://${yourDomain} \
--api-token ${apiToken} \
--app ${kintoneAppId} \
--file-path ${filepath}

You can bypass the confirmation step by using the options --yes or -y.


See Options page for common options.

--appYesThe ID of the app
--file-pathThe path to the source file.
--encoding Character encoding
Default to utf8
Encodings: utf8 and sjis
--yes, -yForce to delete records

Delete all records

All records of the target app will be deleted if the option --file-path is not specified.

Delete specific records

Specific records can be deleted by specifying the option --file-path.

The value of the --file-path must be the path to the CSV file and should meet the following requirements:

  • The file extension should be ".csv".
  • The header row of the CSV file must be the record number field code defined in the target app.
  • If using the app code in the record number:
    • Every row should contain the same app code (not mixed).
    • The app code is equal to the target app's one.